Sunday, August 05, 2007

Can Plastics Negatively Impact Your Fertility?

Headlines in the Los Angeles Times this weekend reported information from a recent study about certain chemical compounds in certain widely used plastics can have a negative impact on the male and female reproductive system.

The article says:

"In an unusual effort targeting a single chemical, several dozen scientists on Thursday issued a strongly worded consensus statement warning that an estrogen-like compound in plastic is likely causing an array of serious reproductive disorders in people.

The compound, bisphenol A or BPA, is one of the highest-volume chemicals in the world and has found its way into the bodies of most human beings.

Used to make hard plastic, BPA can seep from beverage containers and other materials. It is used in all polycarbonate plastic baby bottles as well as other items, including large water cooler containers, sports bottles and microwave oven dishes, along with canned food liners and some dental sealants for children."

I have talked about the importance of minimising the use of plastics in your life to help you address your fertility issues. And this information just reiterates the fact that this is an important issue that each couple experiencing fertility issues should address.

On our website I have reprinted a "Smart Plastics Guide" which has helped many people make smart decision regarding plastic use in their every day lives. This can be found in the fertility tips section of our site about halfway down the page, once you log in.

You might remember the study that also showed the very real possibility of women being exposed to a common plastic while they were pregnant was correlated with deformities of the genitals of their newborn sons.

This is an often overlooked but very important issue regarding fertility and could be key to those dealing with "unexplained" fertility issues.

Remember to check out our website about Safe Plastic Use. Also when we find that patients are at risk of having excess estrogens in their tissues we do recommend specific testing to help these patients assess their situation. Ask your practitioner what they can do to assess this with you.Because not only does excess estrogens in the system affect fertility, excess estrogens accumulating in the body due to thyroid issues, adrenal issues, chemical exposure, and a variety of other possibilities, can lead to cancers, growths, tumors etc in the long or short term.

Make sure you are working with someone knowledgeable in this information to help you address this situation which could potentially be effecting your fertility and long term health.

We have many couples report to us that they felt that minimising the use of toxins such as these discussed today along with a good program including herbs formulated by professionals, supplements, and lifestyle changes and of course managing their stress levels had helped them become pregnant (both naturally and with reproductive procedures) within months of becoming really serious about incorporating these changes in their life.